Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Protecting Your Chicago Business with Managed IT Services

October arrives and our thoughts turn to harvest festivals and Halloween parties. But how many of us know October is also Cybersecurity Awareness Month? In 2004 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) initiated the campaign to focus on educating the business public regarding the risks posed by cyber threats and the effective strategies to maintain a secure cyber environment.


As information technology evolves, cyber criminals develop new strategies, too. To stay abreast of these schemes, you should protect your business with managed IT services. The professionals at an IT service stay up to date on current cyber threats and the best practices to keep your IT infrastructure safe. Let’s explore the importance of information security to your business, how managed IT services in Chicago can improve your cybersecurity, and the strategies you can adopt during Cybersecurity Awareness Month to boost your IT safety.


How important is cybersecurity?


Very important! Security breaches not only disrupt business continuity, but they can also cost millions as hackers access valuable data and demand weighty ransoms to release the information. CRN, an IT media arm of The Channel Company, recently reported on a ransomware attack on Change Healthcare, the prescription processor for United Health. This assault disrupted the processing of healthcare claims and payments and forced United Health to hand the cybercrime group $22 million in a ransom payment.


Cyber thieves target industries who gather and store extremely sensitive data, businesses in the finance, insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, and biotech sectors. Little wonder that the Chicago metropolitan area, whose economy finds its support in these industries, becomes a focus for cyber-crime.


During Cybersecurity Awareness Month organizations should emphasize increasing their awareness of schemes employed by cyber criminals.


· Malware – Malware, i.e. "malicious software," describes software used to harm or compromise the integrity, security, or operations of an IT infrastructure or device. Forms of malware include among other things viruses, ransomware, spyware, and adware. Typically used to steal data, gain unauthorized access, or disrupt operations, malware often spreads through infected files, phishing emails, or defenseless software.


· Phishing Attacks – Hackers use phishing attacks to trick individuals into devulging sensitive information, such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Fraudulent emails, text messages, or websites, appearing to originate from legitimate sources, exploit human trust. They incite sense of urgency, prompting the victim to act immediately by clicking a malicious link, accepting an infected attachment, or entering PII on a fake website.


· Identity Theft - Identity theft describes the of stealing an individual’s PII to commit fraud or other crimes. The stolen data is subsequently used to impersonate the victim and engage in illegal activities that can damage the victim's monies, reputation, and privacy.


· Data Breaches – In a data breach sensitive or confidential personal, corporate, or government information is disclosed or stolen by unauthorized individuals. These breaches most often result from weaknesses in IT network security systems, human error, or malicious attacks by cyber thieves.


How can Chicago managed IT services enhance cybersecurity?


The professionals at a Chicago managed IT service know the unique challenges in the Chicago market and offer cutting-edge solutions satisfying the highest global security standards. Here are some of the key features these services offer:


· Proactive Threat Management – Employing the latest in security software tools, the managed IT services team can monitor your risk 24/7 and offer proactive threat management. In addition, these IT technicians can ensure these tools are updated regularly to effectively handle evolving threats.


· Tailored Security Solutions – You have unique goals and needs. A Chicago managed IT service who knows your business and can provide a security plan tailored to your organization and IT infrastructure. Their consultants know how to upgrade your network while staying in your budget and supporting your goals.


What steps can businesses take during Cybersecurity Awareness Month?


Follow these steps to increase cybersecurity awareness this month:


· Audit – Consult a managed IT service provider to conduct a comprehensive cybersecurity audit. This evaluation can reveal weaknesses a cyber-criminal can exploit and offer solutions to strengthen your infrastructure.


· Act – After the audit, highlight action items and plan to implement changes. Update your security systems. Schedule employee training, ensuring your staff is aware of current phishing schemes and the threats posed by malware. Adopt multi-factor authentication requiring users to enter multiple forms of identification to access your network and software applications.


· Align – Partner with a Chicago managed IT service organization. Rely on their expertise and 24/7 support to maintain both the security and health of your IT infrastructure while you focus on your growing business.


Whether you contract with a Chicago managed service provider for all your IT management needs or simply augment your own team with their services, the professionals at JMA Consulting can help you celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month and keep your IT infrastructure secure throughout the year.