How Managed Service Providers Help Nonprofit Organizations

JMA Consulting

We’ve all done it; we’ve all judged a nonprofit’s effectiveness by how little it spends on overhead versus mission. But sadly, a nonprofit’s strength may be its weakness. A failure to invest wisely in technology could weaken and cause even a well-intentioned nonprofit to fail. Trying to maintain an up-to-date network in-house with limited expertise can invite disaster. However, contracting with a managed service provider (MSP) is an efficient and effective way to oversee your IT infrastructure.

A recent article from the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executives (NANOE) cites seven reasons nonprofits fail; among them is “Iced Innovation,” the attitude that their current technology is “good enough.” Author Tracy S. Ebarb says, “The emergence of the Internet and subsequent online innovations that have changed the world in many ways has made strikingly obvious a business truth that is actually timeless.  If you do not innovate, you will disappear.”

Technology helps nonprofits operate effectively in three key areas:

Communicating Content

In his classic book, “Start with Why,” Simon Sinek says businesses who do well know why they do what they do. Nonprofits are driven by their ‘why,’ and successful organizations communicate their vision and mission through well-designed online content. Technological advances in content management systems (CMS) enable nonprofits to effectively use the web to attract and inform their audiences.

Gathering Donations

Donors aligned with your vision need an online, easy-to-navigate donation system. Your nonprofit may need to accommodate multi-national donors offering donations in a variety of currencies. And you need tools that capture valuable marketing data from your donors. If your nonprofit sells products, you also need a robust, secure, ecommerce software application.   

Managing Relationships

Nonprofits deal with a variety of relationships – beneficiaries of the mission, volunteers, internal administrative help, and organizations who offer valuable grants. A robust customer relationship management tool (CRM) is critical to a healthy nonprofit! 

How well does your current technology meet your needs? The professionals at an MSP can help you design the best IT infrastructure for your organization and determine how IT can support your business strategy. They can manage the processes to ensure your system is secure and your software tools are updated and effective. As Tracy Ebarb pointed out, “If you don’t innovate, you will disappear.” Attempting to innovate when you do not have the expertise can waste donor dollars. Wisely invest in overhead by hiring an MSP to manage your IT system for you. 

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